full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alaa Murabit: What my religion really says about women

Unscramble the Blue Letters

It is not easy, challenging drisetotd religious messaging. You will have your fair share of insults and ridicule and threats. But we have to do it. We have no other option than to reclaim the message of human rights, the pecpiinrls of our faith, not for us, not for the women in your families, not for the women in this room, not even for the women out there, but for societies that would be transformed with the pipactraoitin of women. And the only way we can do that, our only option, is to be, and reaimn, at the table.

Open Cloze

It is not easy, challenging _________ religious messaging. You will have your fair share of insults and ridicule and threats. But we have to do it. We have no other option than to reclaim the message of human rights, the __________ of our faith, not for us, not for the women in your families, not for the women in this room, not even for the women out there, but for societies that would be transformed with the _____________ of women. And the only way we can do that, our only option, is to be, and ______, at the table.


  1. remain
  2. principles
  3. participation
  4. distorted

Original Text

It is not easy, challenging distorted religious messaging. You will have your fair share of insults and ridicule and threats. But we have to do it. We have no other option than to reclaim the message of human rights, the principles of our faith, not for us, not for the women in your families, not for the women in this room, not even for the women out there, but for societies that would be transformed with the participation of women. And the only way we can do that, our only option, is to be, and remain, at the table.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
religious scripture 2
murabit school 2

Important Words

  1. challenging
  2. distorted
  3. easy
  4. fair
  5. faith
  6. families
  7. human
  8. insults
  9. message
  10. messaging
  11. option
  12. participation
  13. principles
  14. reclaim
  15. religious
  16. remain
  17. ridicule
  18. rights
  19. room
  20. share
  21. societies
  22. table
  23. threats
  24. transformed
  25. women